The image you see here was taken just one day after my mom passed.  I had planned to shoot sunrise December 2nd 2017 with a dear friend of mine.  My mom had been in the hospital several days prior.  I needed some time at my "saving place".  Nubble is that place for me.  It gives me a place to reflect on life events.  I knew my mom's time was short, I just didn't know she'd fly to heaven so quickly.  I decided to shoot sunrise in honor of her.  She'd have wanted me to go.  She was my number one fan.  There were no clouds in the sky in my home town of Manchester, so I wasn't expecting the sky you see here.  I got to Nubble and noticed some cover.  I was elated to say the least.  I set up and began shooting.  As the sun rose a bit higher, the sky  exploded in beautiful fashion.  Mom's favorite color was purple.  I went to Nubble that day looking for a sign that my mom was ok.  There is no doubt she was there that day, and she made sure I knew it.  Thanks Ma!


Below is a letter I was in the process of writing to my mother when the phone rang.  It was 7:12 AM December 1st, 2017.  It was the call I had feared.  She passed at 7:04 that morning.  Her passing though painful has taught me some important life lessons.  Life is short, take nothing for granted.  Let the people you love know how special they are, not just in words, but by your loving actions.  I'm lucky.  My mom showed me what true unconditional love is, all throughout her life, and even after her death.  I hope I've learned enough skills, so I may pass them on to my children as well.



As I sit here and reflect upon the time we’ve shared on this rock we live on, I am over come with so many emotions. As I peer through old photo albums, photos, and videos, I now see how truly amazing you were. Though we struggled and didn’t have a lot of money, you found ways to make sure we had everything we needed and in turn helped us become who we are today. You’ve kissed countless boo boo’s, mended our broken hearts and carried us through the best and worst times of our lives. You were always there to nudge us in the right direction. They say a parents job is never done. Well, mom, you’ve done your job. You can rest easy now. You don’t have to worry anymore. You focus on you now. You’ve given us the best parts of you so know that you’ll continue to guide us through the rest of our lives. The unconditional love you showed us is so powerful it resonates through out our entire family.

I couldn’t help but remember the the Monday night meal after Sundays roast beef dinner. You’d take the leftover and put it into your now famous pasta. We were all pretty pumped up about it. I made some and shared it with dad this week. Your home made soups have become a staple for me this time of year. “Grab whats left in the fridge and make something good” you’d say. I loved every spoonful as I knew your secret ingredient was LOVE. That’s the secret ingredient I put in the soup I'd make for you!

I hope you’ve forgiven me for all the shenanigans over my 47 years. We sure did have some fun though too. From the countless miles you marched with us in Drum Corps, Skip-Bo, card games, and yes, all the hours playing Atari with us. Q*Bert was a favorite of yours as well as Circus Atari and Kaboom. You crushed those games. I have fond memories of our time at the lake, Hampton, and especially the mountains. I can see my little face reflected in the window as we passed by the “Old Man”. Such warm happy memories. Thank you for all your sacrifices. You gave up so much for us. Your strength and courage are what help to carry us through the hard days.

My wish for you now is that you are welcomed by our family members that have gone before you. God has gained an Angel today. May you rest well my sweet dearest mom.

I LOVE you!