Old forts have so much history and incredible stories to tell. Fortunately we have several in the New England area. Having visited several of them already, Fort McClary remained on my bucket list for several years. I finally made it over there this week. Snow was a factor but I made the trek anyway. They say in order to know where you're going, you have to know where you've been. I tend to agree, don't you? New things can be a little scary. The path may seem uncertain, much like the murky water pictured in this image. The steps may seem slippery and difficult to climb, especially with no railing for safety. Keep on climbing those steps my friends. Be sure footed and confident you're on the right path. Climb out of the darkness and into the light! In the end, you'll be glad you did.
When processing this image, I felt it would be best presented in black and white. The light becomes critical as does the different textures. I cropped and straightened the image slightly. I also adjusted the clarity, highlights, and sharpening. I exported the image to NIK and added some detail and contrast. Enjoy!